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Messmer’s UV Plus is a penetrating wood deck stain and oil finish that beautifies and protects exterior wood, providing a natural appearance. It is ideal for use on cedar, pine, redwood, and pressure treated wood and comes in a variety of tones and semi-transparent colors. It does not form a surface film when properly applied and is not subject to peeling and flaking.
Messmer’s UV Plus allows you to protect and beautify your wood while maintaining a natural appearance. It will change the color of the wood but not the texture, and will not obscure the natural wood grain. Colors range from lightly pigmented toners to semitransparent stains.
UV Plus is a 1 coat product and does not require any top coats or pretreatments before application. You can use it on decks, fences, siding, log homes, and nearly all exterior wood surfaces.
On vertical, smooth surfaces, UV Plus wood deck stain can be expected to last for 2-3 years, on rough surfaces 3-4 years, and on horizontals for 18 months-2 years. The time element will vary depending on conditions such as sunlight, weather and direction of exposure.
All wood should be cleaned prior to coating. Please see:
Messmers Wood and Deck Cleaners/Brighteners
- Trans-Oxide pigments to protect the wood from the sun?s harmful rays.
- Blend of natural and synthetic oils that condition and enhance the beauty of wood.
- Long lasting water repellency
- High solids content – 50% to 60%
- Reduces warping, shrinking and cracking of wood
- Penetrating Natural Oil Finish
- Exceptional color retention
- Available in 8 COLORS
[quote name=”ghlco”]Is the redwood stain semi transparent?[/quote]
Is the redwood stain semi transparent?
[quote name=”Robert Ramsay”]Do you ship to Canada and what is the shipping cost? What is the product cost in Canada?
Please add products to cart and enter your shipping info for the total cost.
Do you ship to Canada and what is the shipping cost? What is the product cost in Canada?
It would be best to remove the Cabot stain otherwise the Messmers will be at the mercy of the Cabot when it comes to potential peeling and mold problems.
I stained our home 2 years ago with Cabots Semi-Transparent Oil Based stain and I’m wondering if their is any reason I can’t top coat it now with Messmers UV Plus. I did manage to try it and it did not show any signs of not wanting to penetrate. The reason I’m trying Messmers is because I did not like the color retention and longevity properties of the Cabots and I’m looking at other option? ;-)
[b]Does Messmers mfg a solid color oil stain ?[/b]
The Messmers UV Plus in Cedar color would be an excellent choice for protecting your fence from water and UV damage. All technical info is on the right side. This explains the coverage per gallon. Sorry but we do not have dealers on your area. We do offer free shipping on all 5 gallon pails.
I,m looking for a good wood stain for my ceder fence?, what would you suggust? my fence is a typ. 6 foot fence let me know how far would 1 gallon do? I live in Pocatello,Idaho do you have a local place that sells your products?