Sealing Concrete and Bricks
Sealing concrete and bricks are very easy. Just clean and apply a sealer. Water Repellent Sealers come in many various types and can be specific to the type of substrate that you will be sealing.
- The use of a pressure washer is suggested when cleaning exterior concrete. Cleaning chemicals are not needed when removing dirt, grime, and vegetation. If you have stains on your concrete then we would suggest using a cleaner that is specific to the type of stain. i.e. Rust remover to clean rust, Oil stain remover to clean oil drips, etc. For interior concrete just use a mop and bucket to clean.
Removal of old sealers is suggested if your previous sealer has failed. Usually this is noticeable by a yellowing or whitening of the old sealer. Make sure that your substrate can absorb a new sealer. Test be dribbling a few drops of water on the substrate. If it beads up immediately, then a new sealer may not penetrate properly. Some sealers or waxes are considered “film forming” and can be applied on top of other sealers.
- Allow the substrate to dry thoroughly for 1-2 days or what is recommended by the manufacturer.
- Blow or sweep off any dirt or grime.
- Apply sealer by rolling or spraying. A sponge type roller usually works better then a nap roller.
- Let dry for 3-4 fours for foot traffic and 24 hours for vehicular or heavy duty traffic.
*Make sure that you follow all manufacturers instructions.
How do I prevent SS30 from pulling up joint sand, from rolling, and then spreading on top of my new concrete pavers?
Your sand should not be level with the top of your pavers but down in the joints about 1/2″. If so, then you will not pull the sand out with the roller cover.
If you are to use a pressure washer on Clemons Concrete Concrete and Paver Sealer Stripper, is there any residue left over on the surrounding landscaping, side of the house, etc? As with some strippers they are saying to scoop up the softened sealer and dispose of it. Any help would be great. Thank you,
When you strip you peel off the old sealer so yes, it can get on surrounding areas so best to tarp or cover as needed. You cannot scoop it off, it has to be pressure washed off.
If I remove all concrete sealer with the concrete and paver sealer stripper, what product do I need to use after before I can apply Superseal30? Also the super grip is saying that it cannot be used in the 1st coat? So I would have to remove all sealer, apply new sealer and then add 2nd coat with super grip to it? Thank you
After stripping use this as final prep: https://www.opwdecks.com/cleaner-degreaser.htm
Thank you,
I have a driveway made of bricks that constantly has a white film on it. We power wash it off but within hours it shows up again. It has been suggested that it might be calcium from our water supply. Whatever it is, I want to be able to get it cleaned off and then I would like to seal them (assuming that sealing them is a good option). What I am unsure of is what to use that will keep them clean long enough to put the sealer on. Any suggestions?
Not sure exactly what it is and what we’ll remove it for certain. Looks like it could be efflorescence, calcium, or calcite but not always one product will work to fix. Also if removed, a seller will not prevent this from returning.
What roller should I use with SuperSeal 30?
Any roller that can handle a solvent-based coating. About 5/8″.
What type of roller should I use to put on my SuperSeal 30? Colored concrete
1/2 inch roller cover.
I need a solvent based curbing sealer
Shine or no shine?
Shine. Curbing was poured past fall. I have a Chapin 1949 sprayer. About 170 Lin. Ft.
Use Super Seal 25: https://www.opwdecks.com/25-semi-gloss.htm
Thank you
[quote name=”mikeandjen”]I live in Vancouver Canada and have a new concrete driveway and sidewalks. I want to clean everything and seal it. I need to clean it because the contractor left red marks where he created the cutting lines and I have been unable to remove them. There are also some tire marks as well. What products should I use to clean and seal my new concrete?[/quote]
Try this Cleaner:
for the sealer, use this:
I live in Vancouver Canada and have a new concrete driveway and sidewalks. I want to clean everything and seal it. I need to clean it because the contractor left red marks where he created the cutting lines and I have been unable to remove them. There are also some tire marks as well. What products should I use to clean and seal my new concrete?
[quote name=”Mac Parlee”]Prior sealant and stain worn off.can you tint sealant matte finish wanted shipping to Vancouver island canada[/quote]
We do not offer the ability to tint sealers.
Prior sealant and stain worn off.can you tint sealant matte finish wanted shipping to Vancouver island canada