IPE requires periodic application of a wood finish every so often. Much more so than a normal wood such as Cedar or Pine. When reapplying a stain or finish to IPE you will need to prep the wood first by removing dirt, grime, mold, etc. Failure to prep the IPE properly will result in a poor appearance of the stain and or premature coating fading.
The Best IPE Deck Cleaners are cleaners that contain the active ingredient called Sodium Percarbonate or better known as Oxygenated Bleach. Theses cleaners are extremely effective at removing all kinds of surface contaminants. They will remove general grime, mold, algae, etc. Sodium Percarbonate deck cleaners come in powdered formulas that contain additional surfactants that are designed to work specifically exterior wood.
Our favorite IPE Deck Cleaners in order:
IPE is a great wood and looks absolutely beautiful when stained. Problem is that you will need to reapply every 9-12 months. Using a deck cleaner that works the best will make the chore of reapplication easier and more effective.
how should i clean sunscreen spray off of a small area of a new ipe deck?
Sorry but no idea.
We bought a house that has about 600 sq ft IPE deck, some steps an railings that unfortunately were painted and the paint is peeling everywhere, especially in areas where the sun hits. What is the best paint stripper for IPE wood and the best process of achieving the paint removal? Tks.
Post pics for prep help.
We want to keep our deck grey for a few years. Thinking we will do a light pressure wash only, with no chemicals and a light scrubbing with a soft brush to remove any pollen that isn’t moving. And then it will either still be greying or turn more grey this summer, correct? And, nothing lost, correct? We don’t NEED to apply anything unless we want to see the color, correct? We have oiled it every year for the past 4 years. Thanks!
It will continue to gray from the UV if you are not using a stain.
I have terrible mold problems on portions of my IPE deck, just a few months after re-oiling. In the past I have tried anti-mold compounds which do not seem to work. Any suggestions?thanksKeith
Strip and brighten for prep: https://www.opwdecks.com/restore-a-deck-stain-stripper.htm
Stain with Defy Hardwood as it does not attract mildew: https://www.opwdecks.com/defyhardwood.htm
We moved into a house with a 16′ x 14′ Ipe deck that needs attention. I’ve read many posts here and have gained a bunch of knowledge. The existing stain appears to be a semi solid stain or may e even solid. What product do you reccomend to remove the existing stain. The restore a deck products state they wont remove solid stains. Any help to get this awesome wood looking good again is appreciated.
If it is a solid stain, you will need to sand this all off. Hard to tell from the picture.
Would it hurt to try the restore a deck stain remover and brightener. Then sand what i may need to.
You can try the Restore A Deck Stripper with both additives: https://www.opwdecks.com/rad-stain-stripper-additives.htm
Great. Then I’ve read to use a 60 or 80 grit sandpaper, nothing fiber than 80 grit. With a drum or sheet sander. Do you have a preference of 60 or 80 and on a drum or sheet floor sander. Horsepower and or rpm to use on Ipe?
Does not matter between the grit. We do not know anythng about RPMs on sanding machines.
I just received the ipe decking that I ordered. What are the steps before installation? Wash, sand and then oil?
You have to let the wood weather after install, prep, and then stain. See here: https://www.opwdecks.com/when-to-stain-a-new-deck.htm
We just installed ipe flooring on a porch that we are putting screens on. We are getting the oil put down this week. I would like to clean it prior to remove anything from it. What is the best solution to just clean the surface from any leftover construction?
My deck is getting stainer soon. My painter wants to power wash it first (6 months old deck) vs the deck cleaner. Will this work or not?
Use a deck cleaner while pressure washing and then brighten the wood after.
What would cause the following water pool stains ? We used IPE oil approximately a month ago
That is mineral deposits from water drying on the stain. Nothng you can do about that. Should wipe off.
Will the aforemetioned deck cleaners have an adverse affect/stain/remove color from composite products? We have a tigerwood deck with composite sides. I assume it would be best to not have hte cleaners touch the composite, but this is nearly impossible –
No, they will not harm composite wood.
I have a partial footprint on a new IPE deck from suns screen. How do I remove?
Sorry, but a deck cleaner will not remove this.
,I have an ipe deck that was treated with oil several years ago. It needs cleaned. If I use restore a deck products, do I need stripper 1st, then what? brightener or brightener and cleaner? Also, can the stripper be applied with a power washer? If not, how?
Use the stripper (apply with pump sprayer) and then pressure wash off. Brightener after.
Purchased a house with an IPE deck that was not cleaned/maintained for quite a few years. We like the grey appearance but there is a considerable amount of mold buildup. Best way to remove the mold and clean and keep the grey? Thanks for any help!
It is not possible to clean off the mildew and keep the gray. The gray is oxidation and will come off when you clean off the mildew.
I have an cumaru deck (similar to Ipe). We used lemon oil to remove scuff marks and now have lemon oil stains. What should I do to remove the stains?
Sorry but no idea as to what or anything will remove this.
Is it worth trying the IPE deck cleaner kit? This is after all an oil stain.
Cleaners will not remove oil stains.
dish soap and light scrub in the centralized area and then re-apply oil?
A raccoon carried fried chicken scraps onto our Ipe deck, then rolled all over the greasy chicken causing grease stains. How do I remove the grease stains from the wood?
Sorry but no idea on this one. Might need to be sanded off.
Is there a product that will bring about the grey faded color of ipe in a faster way than sun exposure?
No, it needs to naturally oxidize from the UV.
Thank you.
our screened in porch has IPE tongue and groove flooring. I was oiled before it was installed. We are getting ready to apply a new coat of IPE oil after 3 years. Our porch is covered and only the outer edges are fading. Do we nee to clean the entire floor (16X19) or can we just do the outer edges. We are concerned that it will be noticeable if we do this. Also, when cleaning the IPE wood we are using a mixer of water, bleach and TSP. Do we need to worry about making sure that the cleaner is completely off the flooring before oiling. Since the wood is tongue an groove and has a sub flooring we worry about the amount of water it would take to clean the flooring.
Clean all so it can adhere correctly.
Ok can you please confirm that I have my steps correct?
This is for a failed clear coat on Ipe with mold.
1) stain remover
2) wood brighter
3) sand down splintered areas
4) use oil ipe deck stain
I know you state yearly maintenance is required is that include stripping stain as well?
Thanks so much!
Your steps are correct. Clean and brighten when time to reapply.
I have a 3 year old ipe deck that I’ve cleaned and oiled yearly. this spring I noticed that some of the decking has turned black and wont come clean with a soft pass of the power washer. I’m reluctant to use more pressure because of the potential for damage and streaking from the nozzle. I’ve also used some cleaners but have not gotten the results I want. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Try a stain stripper with the pressure washing and then a wood brightener: https://www.opwdecks.com/restore-a-deck-stain-stripper.htm
Thank you. My deck only has only had oil applied to it, so i’m not trying to remove a finish. Do you think that the RAD cleaner would work better?
Oil is a coating so you will need to strip.
Can you clean the deck with these products, bring out some of the original color, but not have to re-seal or re-oil the Ipe? Will this product strip the wood too much and it needs to be resealed/oiled?
We like the greying, but need it clean. If some of the color comes back, we are good with that, but we dont wish to make this an annual thing. The amount of deck we have and the intricacy of the stairs and design will just take too long each year and its not worth it in Seattle rainy winter weather.
These products are for prepping when you plan on restaining. It will remove the gray.
I have a one year old ipe deck that is now greying and I want to restore to its original color. What cleaner product should I use to clean and remove the greying and will applying the Ipe Oil after it dries maintain the color. I understand that I will need to go through the process each year.
Use the RAD prep kits: https://www.opwdecks.com/best-selling-cleaner.htm
Sorry but no it is not possible to clean without removing the graying wood cells.
We are about ready to clean our IPE Deck at a hotel in Honolulu. First I would like to say that we like the graying in our IPE Deck and do not want to disturb the color. Do you have a product that will clean and not restore the color. As I mentioned the graying is mainly from the UV. We will not be pressure washing just applying the product and deck brushing and hosing. Do one of your products help with grease and dirt? I look forward to your response.
Michael Reeves
Vice President & COO
We sanded & applied Cabots Austrialian timber oil, looks awful very spotty. What should I use to remove the timber oil? The stains are deep I sanded one board & re stained it. It looks a lot better.
The only way to fix would be to use a stain stripper followed by a wood brightener.
Hi! Our ipe deck is 4 yrs old. More than a yr ago we decided to pressure wash it, and after that we applied cabot marine oil. The stain has faded now. But the problem is the streaks left after uneven pressure wash. Will Messmers brightner help before applying a coat of Messmers UV Plus? We are staying away this time from pressure washing the deck.Thanks.
This is a water stain in the IPE. Not an easy fix as it is deep in the wood. A wood brightener may work.
good day, I have a home with ipe siding where water is staining the siding on the side of the windows. it appears that water is being diverted to the side of the window and as it runs down the siding is staining (darkening). the ipe is not stained or sealed, but the area where he water drains is considerably darker. is this normal? can this be brought back by using a bleach deck cleaner. suggestions to cure this??